They say, "if you travel far enough, you'll meet yourself." I never really understood that until I travelled across the other side of the world at the age of 43, by myself and for the very first time! There are no words to describe the benefits of that experience. I just had this overwhelming feeling that I had grown and that I could go anywhere and do anything!

So, I will be bringing you stories and information about exploring this beautiful world. Places and spaces that inspire us to get out of our comfortable lounge chairs and go and visit.
There is no other feeling than when you see a place on a movie or online and dream of going and then find yourself sitting on that fountain or eating at that restaurant. Just fabulous, Darling.
If you have a travel story, tips, a fav place that you would like to tell me about - please drop me an email. I am always on the hunt for fabulous places and faces!
Oh Darling! Let's Go Exploring!
Evie xoxo